Learn whilst diving Gozo.
Here are our full range of PADI courses.

Whether you are starting your diving journey, or expanding your set of skills, PADI and Blue Waters have the course for you.

View our full range of PADI courses below.

Gozo Diving, Bubblemaker

PADI Bubblemaker Course

  • The bubblemaker course allows younger soon-to-be divers to get a real taste of the underwater world. It's an incredibly exciting and rewarding experience! Using equipment tailored for younger divers we deliver a simple, engaging classroom session so they understand all they would need to dive safely. Under the close supervision of an instructor, they will then go for a real dive in a shallow protected bay, or pool, to a maximum of 2m.

  • €60

    Inclusive of everything you would need. Just bring a towel and some refreshments.

  • 3 hours

  • Reasonable physical health (subject to small medical questionnaire)

    Ages 8/9 years

Gozo Diving Course, Open Water

PADI Open Water Course

  • The Open Water course is the all encompassing entry level diving course. Through detailed theory, confined water skills and exciting open water dives, you will learn all you need to enjoy exploring the underwater world to a maximum depth of 18m. The course consist of 3 parts:

    1) Knowledge development: your dive center will provide you with all the material to start learning. This is a touch course, so all the learning materials will be sent to you to download digitally and work at your own speed away from the dive centre. You will learn all the theory necessary to be a competent and safe diver.

    2) Confined water dives: these are training sessions conducted in a pool or water with pool-like conditions, like a shallow protected bay. You’ll learn the basic skills of diving, progressing from simple to more difficult, as well as safety techniques and dealing with emergency situations. The confined water sessions are great fun, testing you and giving the opportunity to get familiar with the gear and techniques in a safe environment.

    3) Open water dives: This is what it’s all about – making your first true dives around the beautiful coast of Gozo! You will use the skills you learned in confined water in a realistic situation in the open water. It is not all skills work though! You will have plenty of time underwater to enjoy the beautiful underwater landscapes and marine life around the island in the four full open water dives.

  • €420

    Includes: Price includes tuition, online manual, certification and full equipment for the course.

  • 3 days

  • Reasonable physical health (subject to small medical questionnaire)

    Minimum age 10+

Divemaster Gozo diving course

PADI Divemaster Course

  • The divemaster course is the first step on PADI's professional ladder. It takes participants into a leading role, so they are able to motivate, mentor and supervise other divers. During the extensive training divers will not only work on their own skills and abilities in a wide range of exercises and assessments, but work alongside instructors in supervising, even leading, dives and courses. If you have a love for diving and want to share that passion with others then the Divemaster course is the perfect way to begin that professional journey. Participants will become an ambassador for diving, improve their dive skills to a demonstration level, learn to assist in and conduct a wide range of PADI courses and safely manage a variety of dive sites and activities.

  • €500

    Includes: Course tuition, tanks, weights.

    Does not include: Certification, learning materials, equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 10 days +

  • Must be a qualified Rescue diver.

    Ages 18+ -Emergency first response primary and secondary care (CPR and First Aid) training within the last 24 months.

    At least 40 logged dives to begin the course.

    Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months.

Wreck diving course in Gozo

PADI Wreck Diver

  • Wrecks have fascinated divers since the dawn of underwater exploration. Whether historical or artificial, wrecks offer a fascinating diving experience. These sunken metal structures also give shelter to a wide array of marine life, adding to the intrigue. During the course diver will learn how to safely navigate these exciting underwater environments. Through the 4 dives participants will look into wreck specific navigation, surveying and mapping, using penetration lines to explore inside wrecks and finning techniques.

  • €240

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 2 days

  • Must be certified Advanced Open Water diver.

    Ages 15+

Gozo Diving course, recovery

PADI Search and Recovery

  • Search and recovery skills can be extremely useful for a wide range of diving activities. You may be conducting a search operation to locate lost items. You could be exploring an area for valuable or historical pieces. Maybe even searching for lost equipment underwater. Either way, the skills you learn are extremely transferrable, fun and extremely rewarding. Through 4 dives over 2 days divers will look into search patterns, use of an underwater compass, navigating using natural references, locating large and small items, planning your search and lifting heavier or awkward items using lifting bags.

  • €240

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 2 days

  • Must be certified (Junior) Advanced Open Water diver.

    Ages 12+

EFR course in Gozo

EFR (Emergency First Response)

  • The Emergency first response course focuses on increasing the confidence in those who enrol, allowing them to safely and appropriately respond to accidents through use of simple and memorable skill sequences. Primary care study looks into immediate life threatening injuries, teaching responders how to give victims the best chance of survival and recovery. Secondary care looks into first-aid for non-threatening injuries. Responders will learn how to assess a variety of situations and provide first aid which will reduce pain and reduce further harm. This is often taken by divers as a prerequisite for the rescue diver course.

  • €80

    Includes: Course tuition, relevant first-aid materials/equipment.

    Does not include: Learning materials/certification.

  • 1 day

  • None - only the desire and will to help others.

Peeking Octopus on a gozo diving trip

PADI Scuba Diver to Open Water Upgrade

  • Are you a qualified PADI Scuba Diver? Looking to increase your depth limit and gain more freedom?
    It is time to upgrade to a fully qualified PADI Open Water Diver!
    You will complete the final 2 confined water dives, 2 open water dives, and leave with a full qualification to a maximum depth of 18m!

  • €250

    Includes: Course tuition, equipment, certification. All you will need!

  • 2 days

  • Qualified as a PADI Scuba Diver

Try Diving in Gozo, DSD

PADI Discover Scuba Diving (DSD)

  • A Discover Scuba Diving course, or Try Dive, is the perfect way to get an introduction to the underwater world. Participants will spend a short time in the classroom, learning the basic skills, equipment and safety considerations to take your first breaths underwater. After arriving at the dive site you will enter the water easily from a sheltered bay and learn some basic skills in shallow water. Once you are relaxed, comfortable and ready to go, you will enjoy a dive to a maximum depth of 12m. A wonderful way to take in the gorgeous Gozitan coastline and varied marine life.

  • €60

    Inclusive of everything you would need. Just bring a towel and some refreshments.

  • 3 hours

  • Reasonable physical health (subject to small medical questionnaire).

    Minimum age 10+

Gozo Diving Course, Advanced

PADI Advanced Open Water Course

  • This course is designed to advance your diving and help build confidence and expand your scuba skills through different Adventure Dives. You try out different specialties while gaining experience under the supervision of your PADI Instructor. The Advanced course is extremely diving oriented. It consists of 5 dives: a deep dive, a navigation dive, and 3 more of your choosing, with a wide range of adventure dives to choose from! Each dive you complete has a corresponding knowledge review. These will educate you in that specific area of diving. It is often referred to as one of the most fun PADI courses available. Also, as the deep dive takes your depth limit to 30m it opens up a much wider range of diving options.

  • €280

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.
    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 2-3 days

  • Must be qualified (Junior) Open Water diver or equivalent.

    Ages 12+.

Nitrox course, Gozo

PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) course

  • Enriched air, or Nitrox, is a gas mixture that has a higher content of oxygen than normal air. Breathing Nitrox underwater has huge benefits for divers. It can extend our allowed time underwater and also reduce the time we must spend on the surface between dives. Therefore, it is no surprise that this makes it PADI's most popular speciality course. The price covers the theory only option which consists of completing the required online material and some time with an instructor. You will learn to manage oxygen exposure safely, analyse the contents of your cylinder and correctly use your dive computer with Nitrox. Dives using Nitrox are optional at an additional cost.

  • €120

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification.

    Does not include: Additional dives with Nitrox (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 1 day

  • Must be certified (Junior) Open Water diver.

    Ages 10+

Photography diving course in Gozo

PADI Digital Underwater Photography

  • The Digital Underwater Photography course allows you to best capture the wonderful moments you have underwater to share with friends and family. After studying methods and techniques to best frame, compose and shoot images underwater you will make 2 dives to hone your photography skills. On surfacing, it is time to adjust and edit those images to make them as stunning as possible. All of this can be done with a wide range of photography equipment.

  • €170

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day). If camera is needed we can offer a GoPro rental for €20 per day.

  • 1 day

  • Must be certified (Junior) Open Water diver.

    Ages 10+

Boat diving course in Gozo

PADI Boat Diver

  • Boat diving can be extremely fun! Plus, many dive destinations around the world use boats as the main method of transport to and from the dive site. Here you will learn about how to get the most out of your boat diving experiences. Through the course you will complete theory relevant to boating safety, etiquette and knowledge before completing 2 exciting dives from the boat. Here in Gozo we can explore dive sites like the P31 wreck and Comino Caves, only accessible by boat.

  • €205

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 1 day

  • Must be certified (Junior) Open Water diver.

    Ages 10+

Divers enjoying time underwater

PADI ReActivate - Scuba Refresher Course

  • The ReActivate course, PADI’s comprehensive scuba refresher course, is designed to help you regain confidence and revisit key dive skills after some time away from diving.
    Participants will receive the ReActivate eLearning manual to revise diving theory and see key skill demonstrations, before undergoing a confined water skills session learning to deal with common problems and brushing up on important dive skills.

  • €95

    Includes: PADI eLearning manual, in-water training dive, ReActivate certificate.
    Does not include: Equipment for dive

  • 1 day

  • PADI (Junior) Scuba Diver or equivalent

Scuba Diving Course in Gozo

PADI Scuba Diver Course

  • The Scuba Diver course is the entry level diving certification. If you are pushed for time and unable to complete the full Open Water course then the Scuba Diver course may be the ideal option for you. You will follow the same process as the Open water course but in a slightly shorter format: completing 3 of the 5 chapters from the theory and confined water portions of the course and 2 of the 4 Open Water dives. On completion you will be certified to dive - under the supervision of an instructor - to a depth of 12m. The course consist of 3 parts:

    1) Knowledge development: your dive center will provide you with all the material to start learning. This is a touch course, so all the learning materials will be sent to you to download digitally and work at your own speed away from the dive centre. You will learn all the theory necessary to be a competent and safe diver.

    2) Confined water dives: these are training sessions conducted in a pool or water with pool-like conditions, like a shallow protected bay. You’ll learn the basic skills of diving, progressing from simple to more difficult, as well as safety techniques and dealing with emergency situations. The confined water sessions are great fun, testing you and giving the opportunity to get familiar with the gear and techniques in a safe environment.

    3) Open water dives: This is what it’s all about – making your first true dives around the beautiful coast of Gozo! You will use the skills you learned in confined water in a realistic situation in the open water. It is not all skills work though! You will have plenty of time underwater to enjoy the beautiful underwater landscapes and marine life around the island in the four full open water dives.

  • €330

    Includes: Price includes tuition, online manual, certification and full equipment for the course.

  • 2 days

  • Reasonable physical health (subject to small medical questionnaire)

    Minimum age 10+

Gozo Diving course, rescue

PADI Rescue Course

  • Often cited as the most challenging and rewarding course, the rescue diver course will build your skills and confidence when planning, rescuing other divers in difficulty and self rescue. During the extensive theory portion of the course you will learn about treatment of diving injuries and the equipment used, recognising issues and relevant, possibly life saving, rescue techniques. You will start the in-water portion of the course with self rescue techniques, moving on to recognising issues with other divers and taking appropriate action. Later on you will complete more complex exercises, such as rescuing unconscious divers and getting them out of the water safely. Finally all of these skills will be assessed in 2 final scenarios, tying all of the skills you have learned together in a realistic simulation.

  • €350

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 3 days

  • Must be qualified (Junior) Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent.

    Ages 12+.

    You also need to have Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months.

Deep diving course in Gozo

PADI Deep Diver Course

  • There is something exciting and mysterious about the depth that attracts dives. In this course you will learn the techniques required to safely explore waters up to 40m deep. You will first dive deeper into the necessary planning, safety and decompression theory necessary to make deeper dives safely. You will then make 4 thrilling open water dives. Firstly to 30m, then later to the maximum recreational limit of 40m! Along the way you will look into the effect that depth has on our bodies and how we perceive the world around us. The deep diver course is truly exciting!

  • €240

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 2 days

  • Must be certified Advanced Open Water diver.

    Ages 15+

Gozo diving course, buoyancy

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy

  • As every diver knows, good buoyancy makes a good diver. Being in total control of buoyancy during a dive ensures that every aspect of the dive is safe and smooth. Participants will save air and physical effort as they learn to ascend, descend and hover effortlessly. Divers skilled in buoyancy control also enjoy animal encounters more as they can easily observe marine life without disturbing surroundings. Over the 2 dives divers will optimise weighting, trim, efficiency and go through various skills to perfect buoyancy control.

  • €170

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day).

  • 1 day

  • Must be certified (Junior) Open Water diver.

    Ages 10+

Dry suit diver in Gozo

PADI Dry Suit Diver

  • The PADI Dry Suit course is perfect for those looking to become comfortable, confident and competent using a dry suit. This then opens up the world of cold water diving, so nowhere on the world is off limits based on temperature! Learning here in Gozo's warmer waters also makes life extremely easy, allowing those taking the course to focus on their skills, particularly buoyancy skills, in an extremely relaxed environment.

    The course consists of at least 2 dives over 1 day, but can be extended to a 2 day course should both student and instructor find it necessary. As the suit is now filled with air to keep the diver dry and warm, the main focus is controlling buoyancy with the suit, some safety skills, dry suit care, donning and doffing.

  • €170

    Includes: Course tuition, online manual, certification, tanks and weights.

    Does not include: Equipment (full equipment available at €20 per day). We do not have a wide variety of Dry Suits available here. It is advisable to bring your own, or contact to discuss options before booking.

  • 1 day

  • Most divers complete the course on completion of the Open Water certification. However, in some circumstances, if the Open Water is done with the dry suit, then one extra dive can be done to gain this certification. (Not likely here in Gozo!)

    Minimum age 10+

parrotfish on gozo diving trip

PADI Open Water Diver referral

  • Planning to complete your confined water dives before enjoying the open water dives in sunny Gozo?

    The Open Water Diver referral is the perfect way to finish your course, allowing you to enjoy the open water portion of the course in the warm, clear water of Gozo with one of our experienced instructors.

    You will make the 4 dives over 2 days, and after be qualified as a PADI Open Water diver!

  • €188

    Includes: 4 Open Water dives, diving equipment, transport.

    Does not include: PADI eLearning, certification. (You should have this from your confined dives/theory work)

  • 2 days

  • Confined water dive referral from your current diving centre.